A Throwback You Can Really Dig Into

These little throwbacks say vintage chic all over them but the flexibility of their use is quite clever! I was completely amazed when I saw the way these were used and I am definitely going to try to pull this off myself.  It’s as simple as taking a vintage votive candle holder and using the glass holder for dip instead of a candle.

They would be great for serving guests for the upcoming holidays or for serving dip at a party, or even a vintage wedding.
Take a look.

Use Unscented Candles To Scent Your Space

Here’s how you can use unscented candles to scent your space. Take a small glass or ceramic bowl, preferably a microwave safe bowl. Fill the bowl with whole coffee beans and place a small tea light candle in the middle of the beans. You’ll not only illuminate your space with warm and elegant lighting but the warmth of the tea light will warm those little coffee beans to give your space a wonderful coffee fragrance.

You can also try this out using scented tea light candles such as vanilla or buttercream, toffee, or even chocolate and get a combined scent throw!

Roasted coffee beans Español: Granos de café t...

Roasted coffee beans Español: Granos de café tostado (natural). Bahasa Indonesia: Biji kopi alami yang telah disangrai. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Treasury Tuesday – Spiced Cider

Today is Treasury Tuesday and the treasury I’d like to share with you this week is titled Spiced Cider, a treasury that one my own items was included in (yay!). There are several items in this treasury that I absolutely love, but you can certainly check them out for yourself. My favorites include the Spiced Apple Cold Process Soap with Shea Butter and the Soft Wearable Browns Mineral Eye Shadow Set of 4. Please go over to the treasury and share what your Treasury Tuesday favorites are.


Cinnamon Buns Hand Sewn

I’m loving up on these cinnamon bun ornaments I’ve made out of fabric. The weekend was truly a cinnamon bun (or cinnamon roll, as other may dub them) weekend. I think about 90% of my completed projects involved cinnamon bun in some way.

My most favorite of this weekend’s projects were these muslin cinnamon buns I sewed. My Singer was acting out on me but after a bit of coaxing, she started singing again. I tried to get these as close to real cinnamon buns as I possibly could. I’ve even scented them in cinnamon bun. Don’t they just look like you could eat them?

Cinnamon Buns Bowl Fillers

Cinnamon Bun Bowl Fillers – Hand sewn and scented like real Cinnamon Buns

I’ve thought about placing a few of these on my kitchen table as an every day centerpiece but I’m sure my family will be annoyed with it. They would make a nice prank if I thought I could get away with it. On the other hand, maybe they’d make a good gift.? Whomever gets them would smell them before they opened the box. What a surprise to open the box and see that they’re ornaments!

I’m interested in your comments. What do you think about my newest creation?

Walking Dead Fans Comment to Win

Someone’s causing havoc in the camp and there are plenty of suspects – feeding the walkers, burning those who are suspected to be sick. Who do you think is the cause of this ruckus? Comment here and one person with the correct guess will win our buttered rum 8 ounce candle. Hurry because it’s airing soon! All guesses must take place prior to the show. Offer valid in the US only.

2013-10-12 16.53.07

Hand Painted Mason Jar Filled With Your Choice of Bakery Scent

Hand painted mason jar with rustic autumn charm filled with your choice of 32 ounces of bakery scented candle wax. It’s chic meets autumn. Check it out!

Also here are some really cool DIY mason jar crafts. I love to use these for projects because they’re so versatile and you can make them look anywhere from primitive country to chic cottage. Today I’m linking up to Crafts Unleashed for their extreme ingenuity with Mason Jars. I’m also going to link up to Angie’s Blog, “The Country Chic Cottage” for her wonderful referral to this Mason Jar Crafts Pinterest Board.  Please check out these wonderful links if you can.


Angie Holden



Thanksgiving Dessert Try Outs

I’m trying to get into the mode of Thanksgiving. Yesterday we talked about all of our favorite Thanksgiving dishes over lunch. Courtney (15) made home made buttermilk biscuits with sausage gravy and green bean casserole and she’d prepared a veggie tray with jalapeno neufchatel cheese dip. I think it was the green bean casserole that sparked the conversation because Courtney almost insists that we have that every Thanksgiving. Honestly, I’m still trying to wrap my mind around how time has completely flown by!


In the mail yesterday, I received a trial of “Taste of Home,” filled with a boat load of recipes including make ahead Thanksgiving dishes, most of which I probably wouldn’t be interested in. So I just skipped to dessert and my, my, my! There was a three page section titled “BUNDT,” and what kind of cake candles do I sell – bundt! I think my favorite of the three was the Glazed Gingerbread Cake. Don’t quite care for the taste of gingerbread but the smell is fabulous and it’s usually a hit during the holidays. There’s a thick white glaze on top that gives it a simple appearance that would look quite nice on a dessert table. Here’s a link to the recipe.


Another section was “The Loaf.” Are you serious? Pumpkin swirl bread with cream cheese?! I’m in. That recipe had me hooked when I got to the ingredient “cream cheese.” The pictures of the loaf made me want to make a couple today. I went to scope out my ingredients but I got to the fridge and no cream cheese. Guess I’ll be making a trip to the store at some point to try this recipe out but here’s the link to that one if you’re interested in trying it yourself. The picture looks sooo good.


I’m going to keep my eye out for more tempting desserts as the holidays approach. While it’s taking me a minute to think about the big feast, it’s coming and I’ll want to pick one new recipe (that I test beforehand, of course) to pull out during the big day. If you know of any good recipes, do share. I can only pick one because we have staples that always take the stage on Thanksgiving. I’ll only be able to pick one newbie so let me know what your fav is and maybe I can get to try it out before our T-day countdown.






How I Started With Bakery Candles

Before going with the niche of bakery candles, I made all different scents. I sold them at a little store in the area that allowed me place a few things on a shelf. I sold them to the moms of my son’s baseball team. The only thing I didn’t do was like the candles I was selling.

It wasn’t so much that I didn’t like the process. I loved producing fragrant candles that people couldn’t stop talking about but there was nothing “special” about them. They were the same as every other candle you’d see around the corner. Everyone had a homespun tie and everyone’s candle was either grungy or rusty. I thought it was rather boring and I didn’t feel as though I really had anything different to offer. So I stopped making candles.

After a couple of years (and much coaxing by my husband and a few other family members), I slowly came out of hiding but this time I decided that I wanted to have a “specialty.” I loved the idea of creating the same great scented candles but I decided that I’d make them look like food, bakery sweets that is. So I went to work on different ways I could make my candles look like baked goods. There were so many different flops that I’d need a few blog posts to tell you about that. But I finally came up with a formula that would produce candles that could carry a great fragrance and look appetizing. There was my specialty, bakery candles.

So that’s how I started making bakery candles. Since then, I’ve started to sell on Etsy and I sell on my own website, www.EverythingDawn.com. I have to say that I enjoy candle making so much more now. I’m creating wax tarts, votive candles, full size cake candles and pie candles. I have even expanded on that idea to include handmade scented ornaments that include, colonial cakes and pies. It’s been a lot of testing and trying but I enjoy having a product that isn’t like every other product. I suppose the two years I stepped away really were beneficial.

My Bakery Cake Candles.

scented colonial cake

One of my 8″ colonial cakes

cake candle bundt

Cake candle

Cutting Glass With String

I’m always looking out for new and oddly shaped containers to use in making my bakery candle making. I’ve found many wonderful things to make very special and unique candles.

Jade from Jaderbomb Dye to DIY has this great DIY on how to cut glass with string. This idea would be great for recycling glass bottles that you would otherwise throw in the trash. I’m already thinking of things like tea light candle holders, vases, and containers that this project would make. With a bit more creativity, some really neat bottle glass chandeliers would be a nice project to try. Then there’s the savvy Blue Wine Bottle Wind Chime by Groovy Green Glass that is so nicely done. I’m not sure if the same technique was used for the wind chime but there’s also the Outdoor Green Wine Bottle Candle Chandelier done (also by Groovy Green Glass) that are beautiful things that have been done with cut glass. Who would have thought recycling could be so beautiful and purposeful!

Blue Wine Bottle Wind Chime

Blue Wine Bottle Wind Chime on Etsy

Wine Bottle Candle Chandelier

Outdoor Green Wine Bottle Candle Chandelier on Etsy

Lots of fun things to do with cut glass!

Today I’m linking up to Jaderbomb and Groovy Green Glass on Etsy.com.